
As a second wave of COVID-19 hits, 93% of hospice leaders fear people with end of life care needs could miss out on vital support.

This Hospice Care Week (5-11 October), palliative care and end of life charity, Hospice UK reveals 66% of hospice leaders reported an increase in referrals for community-based hospice care and services since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, as hospices swiftly adapted their practices to support the NHS and meet social distancing and shielding measures. 

Nearly three quarters (73%) of those surveyed are having to reduce day services in hospices as a result of the pandemic, with 43% fearing they could be reducing them by up to a half. 

In addition, a fall in fundraising through charity shops and community fundraisers has resulted in more financial pressures, with 44% of hospice leaders estimating they could be forced to reduce the amount of services they provide to people with hospice and end of life needs, compared to the previous financial year. 

Tracey Bleakley, Chief Executive of Hospice UK, said: “End of life care has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the way this care is given is changing before our eyes.

“There are more than 200 hospices across the UK that work to support individuals and families with end of life care. Approximately 83% of hospice care is delivered in the community, and that requires a network of staff that people do not necessarily see or know about.

"With the country dealing with the effects of COVID-19, expert end of life care is more important than ever, and with ever-changing demands and working environments, we must continue to support the people providing much-needed end of life care as they are increasingly pushed to the limit.

“The sector is grateful for the government and public support it has received, and with the imminent threat of a second wave of COVID-19, we hope to see continued support.

“This Hospice Care Week, we are celebrating the hard work, achievements and commitment of our frontline workers, sharing stories of what it takes to provide palliative and end of life care, and encouraging the British public to support their local hospices through community fundraising, which is needed now more than ever.”

To find out more about Hospice Care Week, visit


A Hospice UK survey with 118 hospice leaders revealed:

  • More than two fifths (44%) estimate they will have to reduce the volume of services they provide to people with palliative and end of life care needs, compared to the previous financial year due to the impact of COVID-19.
  • Almost a third (32%) believe that reduction will be up to a quarter of services provided
  • One in ten (14%) think it will be a reduction of up to a third of their services
  • Three quarters (74%) of those offering day services estimate there will be a reduction in the volume of these services in 2020/21 compared to the previous year due to the impact of COVID-19.
  • Half (50%) believe they may have to reduce day services by up to a third or more compared to last year
  • 42% estimate the reduction to be up to a half.
  • Two thirds (66%) report an increase in referrals for community-based services since the start of the COVID-19 crisis
  • Nearly a quarter (24%) report an increase of up to a third
  • More than one in ten (14%) have seen referrals increase by up to half
  • 93% are concerned without further resource people with palliative and end of life care needs could miss out on the support they require
  • 58% are very concerned without further resource people with palliative and end of life care needs could miss out on the support they require

(Notes – figures have been rounded up/down to nearest per cent.)

Notes to editors

  • Hospice UK is the national charity for hospice and end of life care. It works to ensure all adults and children living with a terminal or life-shortening illness receive the care and support they need, when they need it.
  • Hospice UK supports more than 200 hospices across the UK which care for over 200,000 adults and children every year
  • For further information about hospice care visit our website or follow us on Twitter @hospiceuk