
The role of the Hospice Boards Council (HBC) is to act as the mechanism through which hospice chairs can contribute their expertise and communicate issues around the governance of hospice care to a national level, informing and advising the work of Hospice UK. 

The council is part of Hospice UK’s governance arrangements. 

The role of the group


The group aims to:

  • Act as the mechanism through which such hospice chairs contribute expertise and 
    communicate issues around the governance of hospice care to the national level 
    and inform and advise the work of Hospice UK
  • Share, and facilitate the sharing of experience and information useful to the chair of 
    local hospice care providers or those organisations set up specifically to support 
Stock photo of a group of men and women, seated, having a board meeting

How the Council works

Each region of the UK has an elected member who sits on the Council. All Chairs of trustees from Hospice UK member hospices are eligible to stand for election.

Each elected member to serve for a term of three years subject to a maximum of two consecutive terms. In exceptional circumstances (as determined by the HBC), this may be extended to a third consecutive term.

Email us to find out more about the Hospice Boards Council.

Regional members

Region Representative
Chair Ros Keeton, Chair, Compton Care
North East Vacant
Yorks & Humber David Dickson, Chair, St Leonard's Hospice
East Midlands Joanne Brunner, Chair, Nottinghamshire Hospice
South West Stephen Taylor, Chair, Dorothy House Hospice
South East Coast Karen Warden, Chair, Pilgrim's Hospice
South Central Andrew Meehan, Chair, Naomi House & Jack’s Place 
North West Terry McGraw, Co-Chair, Queenscourt Hospice
East of England Terry Philpott, Chair, Isabel Hospice
West Midlands

Jenny Cowpe, Chair, St Richard's Hospice &

David Teague, Chair, St Michael's Hospice

London Sean Hilton, Chair, Princess Alice Hospice
Wales Michael Baker, Chair, City Hospice
Scotland Shona MacDougall, Co-Chair, Highland Hospice
Northern Ireland Gerry Millar, Chair, Northern Ireland Hospice