
A range of useful publications and resources designed to help hospice trustees develop their governance practice.

Alongside these publications, you might be interested in the briefing documents on the Policy and Influencing pages

A stock image of a pair of glasses resting on a number of books

Hospice UK’s 20 minute Guide for Hospice Trustees

An essential guide if you've not been a trustee before, and a useful refresher if you already have experience of being a hospice trustee or of working in a charity. 

This guide:

~ explains briefly what a hospice is;

~ gives answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about charities and trusteeship;

~ looks at the governance role of the hospice board;

~ describes the role and responsibilities of hospice trustees;

~ suggests how to make your experience as a hospice trustee worthwhile for both you and the hospice.

Download the guide
Our suite of good practice guides were developed as part of our Governance Support Programme for hospice boards and trustees

Good Practice Guides

Our suite of good practice guides were developed as part of our Governance Support Programme for hospice boards and trustees. They cover a wide range of aspects relating to good governance, and are free to download.