
Whether you are an individual looking for support or a manager or hospice leader wanting to better support staff, this is where you can access ideas for reflection and resources.

As well as some links and ideas for maintaining wellbeing, you’ll find a series of helpful training videos and a checklist and framework, to assess resilience strategies for supporting staff and help with building your own.

About these resources


Our workforce is our most valuable asset. It is the people, that patients and families encounter, when they need hospice care that make the difference. Sustaining and retaining our much-appreciated workforce must be a priority.

In recognition of the impact of Covid-19 on working patterns and stress levels, during and now post-pandemic, Hospice UK has reviewed its resources for staff and organisations and is making workforce wellbeing and resilience more prominent on its website.

Wellbeing Strategies: Organisations & Individuals


Case studies and examples of initiatives taken by hospices as well as links to what might be interesting or useful either for you personally or for your organisation.

Resilience-Based Clinical Supervision Project


The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of psychological health and wellbeing for all staff working in health and social care.

Health and social care workers are identified as potentially being at greater risk of experiencing both moral distress and moral injury as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic [1]. The King's Fund recommends “regular supportive supervision for all teams and individuals is needed so that their work can be sustained” [2].

There are, of course, many effective models of supervision or, as some prefer, reflective practice models. However, working in partnership with the Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) Hospice UK is delighted to offer hospices, for a limited period only, a Resilience Based Clinical Supervision (RBCS) programme, which aims to build capacity to deliver greater access to supervision and support across the hospice sector.

We aim to complement and enhance existing regionally based wellbeing/supervision strategies thereby enabling wider access to supervision for more people.

Get involved with the project


We recognise that our workforce is our most valuable asset. The pandemic has taken its toll and this funded programme has given an opportunity to provide a model of supervision that focuses on the emotional wellbeing of all staff as well as sustainability of a compassionate service to patients and families.

Once initial facilitators have been trained, the RBCS model can be cascaded within your organisation enabling and empowering teams to offer peer-led sessions as and when appropriate. The model should complement any existing wellbeing strategies.

All newly trained facilitators are invited to join our Resilience Based Clinical Supervision Community of Practice, which runs every 4-6 weeks. This provides opportunities for peer to peer learning and reflective discussion. 
For more information download a copy of the flyer

If you wish to get involved please complete our online form. We will get in touch with more details of available cohorts.

Hospice UK has developed a framework to help hospice leaders build resilient teams and staff, and help them perform well and flourish under stress

The Resilience Framework

Building a resilient and thriving workforce is important to everyone, so we commissioned The Point of Care Foundation to examine the evidence and develop a framework for hospice leaders. 

During and post the pandemic, Wellbeing Strategies couldn’t have been more important for hospices. We encourage organisations to review existing strategies and, in the light of new learning, look at this framework through a post-pandemic lens to consider whether the workplace is as supportive as it could be for staff.

Read the Resilience Framework

Explore the Resilience Framework (PDF).

Meeting graphic

Building Resilient People and Teams programme

We’ve created a series of webinars to provide resources for hospice leaders, helping them build their own resilience and that of their teams.

Author and Founder, and Chair of iOpener Institute Jess Pryce-Jones designed and delivered this series, which hospice leaders can access remotely and use in their workplace. The webinars offer a range of helpful strategies that can be adopted by hospice staff.

Watch the programme sessions


  1. Gillen P, Neill R D, Manthorpe J, et al. (2022) Decreasing wellbeing and increasing use of negative coping strategies: the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK health and social care workforce. Epidemiologia 3: 26–39.
  2. Bailey, S and West, M. (2020) Covid 19: why compassionate leadership matters in a crisis; [Internet]. 2020 Mar 30 [cited 2023 Mar 13].