Hospice UK’s Compassionate Employers team explore the definition of a sandwich carer, and give you guidance on what to do if you think that you might be one.
What is a 'sandwich carer'
Sandwich Carers are people who juggle the responsibilities of caring for parents or elderly relatives who are living with a life-limiting illness and/or disability alongside raising dependent children.
The number of people in this situation is growing due to longer life expectancy and people becoming parents later in life.
Recently we saw the brilliant blog shared by Atkinson HR highlighting this issue, and what more we can do to support Sandwich Carers and informal carers in the workforce.
As Hospice UK’s Compassionate Employers team, we want to join the conversation with some perspective and advice that we’ve gained from working with employers across the UK to help them become more compassionate in the workplace.
Being a carer: did you know?
Every day in the UK, over 600 people leave full time employment to care for a relative, with an estimated, 5.8 million unpaid carers currently across the United Kingdom.
Of those 5.8 million unpaid carers, its estimated that 2.4 million are Sandwich Carers, caring both for elderly/sick relatives alongside raising dependent children.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) predicts that the number of people aged 85 and over will more than double by 2040, which will increase the need for family caregivers. That means that more people will have to leave their workforce to provide care for family member, resulting in financial strain.
Caregiving can take a toll on mental health. Studies shown by ONS that more than a quarter of sandwich carers suffer with stress, anxiety, and depression.
How do I know if I am a carer?
Many people won’t actually realise that they are a carer, with reports showing that it takes, on average, up to two years to identify themselves as a one.
What is a carer?
A carer is anyone who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or addiction means they cannot cope without their support.
A carer may spend significant time with the person they are helping on various tasks such as personal care, medical care, household tasks or emotional support. Often, no two days are the same in a caring roll and one of the key challenges can be managing how a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ day may impact other commitments, including work.
How to create a 'carer-friendly' workplace:
People never forget how you show up for them during moments in life where they feel vulnerable.
If you are an employer, consider flexible working arrangements for your employees. Examples of flexible working may include: working compressed hours, job share, changing working hours/days, remote/hybrid working.
Many carers face financial hardship juggling the cost of paying for private care and childcare alongside the current cost of living crisis. Taking unpaid leave can create financial strain, paid dependents or carers leave can help massively.
Employees with caring responsibilities can really struggle to juggle a heavy workload and their caring responsibilities.
If you see an employee or colleague struggling with workload, help them to manage it and encourage them to take leave if you recognise signs of burn out.
Developing peer support networks can help to hold space to be vulnerable in the workplace offers others the opportunity to do the same.
Additionally, networks and work societies can be a great way to connect and share experiences.
Many people don't know what support is available to them before it's too late. Be proactive and signpost to practical resources that can help reduce the emotional, mental and financial strain of caregiving.
Being a carer can be unpredictable not to mention emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting.
Talk to your colleagues and employees with caring responsibilities, understand the challenges they are facing and act with compassion, flexibility and trust when they need your support.

Best practice for employers supporting their caregiving staff
Many companies are investing into support for their employees, and TSB Bank is a prime example. TSB has announced plans to invest £1.78 million in supporting its caregiving workforce, a move expected to save employees 13,000 hours by streamlining caregiving resources.
After identifying that 1 in 11 TSB employees identify as carers, they have committed to this investment hoping to improve employee retention, reduce absenteeism, and alleviate financial strain.
By collaborating with KareHero on this investment, and offering additional support – such as two weeks of fully paid carers leave – TSB are leading the way for building a more carer-inclusive workplace.
And the good news? You can do it, too.
How we can help you help your carers
The Compassionate Employers Programme works with organisations across the UK to ensure that their employees facing terminal illness, caring responsibilities and bereavement are met with compassion and support in the workplace.
That means you’ll be enhancing your employee experience – as we help to review your policies and give you guidance on creating recommendations for your caregiving staff.
Your line managers and employees will be better prepared to support themselves and their colleagues through life's most vulnerable moments, through the bespoke training and workshops that we’ll deliver for you.
Join the UK businesses already supporting their employees
We’re proud to already be working alongside a host of corporate members, and over 165,000 of their employees, including large organisations like Aviva, Co-op and Deutsche Bank.
Ready to build a more carer-inclusive workplace? Get in touch with us at compassionateemployers@hospiceuk.org