woman with hijab speaking on the phone at work

Supporting yourself and your organisation

Over time, whatever its size, your organisation is likely to include employees who are affected by end of life. 

Our quarterly forum, resources and templates can help you to support yourself and your employees through these challenging moments. 

As a Compassionate Employer you can help people feel confident and comfortable approaching managers and HR, knowing that they will help. HR can make information and support easy to find, and be ready to talk through the practical implications of the options available

How you can help

As a Compassionate Employer you can help people feel confident and comfortable approaching managers and HR, knowing that they will help.

HR can make information and support easy to find, and be ready to talk through the practical implications of the options available.

Find support for HR teams


In HR you are not responsible for making employees use these services. However, you can help by knowing where to find information and signposting individuals as they need it.