Building Resilient People and Teams Programme

This series of 10 free webinars is delivered by Jess Pryce-Jones to help hospice leaders focus on critical aspects of being resilient, and building resilient teams.
What's on this page
- 1. Understanding the importance of resilience
- 2. Exploring self-resilience and peer coaching
- 3. Harnessing your energy
- 4. Knowing and using your strengths
- 5. Understanding influence & control
- 6. Promoting team resilience
- 7. Generating a positive mindset
- 8. Analysing emotional labour
- 9. Trust – a crucial ingredient
- 10. Being valued and recognised
1. Understanding the importance of resilience
Jess introduces the programme and describes what she plans to cover over the coming months. She introduces the IPPQ assessment tool. Ideally, you will have already completed it; if you haven’t, you’ll have a chance to do so following the session.
This session covers:
- The Performance – Happiness model.
- How to use the ‘Casita’ building resilience model.
2. Exploring self-resilience and peer coaching
When life is busy, or all your energy is focused on a special project, it is all too easy to find yourself off-balance and not paying enough attention to other important areas of your life.
This session covers:
- How to use the Wheel of Life to help you
consider each area of your life in turn and
assess what is off-balance.
- The skill of peer mentoring, for example,
the balance between challenge and
support, and how to create the
opportunity for openness and feedback.
- How to use a great coaching technique
called the GROW model.
- How to give feedback on peer coaching.
3. Harnessing your energy
Managing energy and not time is key to our performance and resilience in times of stress. What is it that affects your energy both in the short and long term?
This session will cover:
- Analysing energy.
- Assessing how you spend your time.
- Looking at where your hospice expects
you to be.
- Calibrating time spent on performance,
recovery, burnout, and survival.
- Working on how to balance energy more.
4. Knowing and using your strengths
Looking at your strengths offers a really important lens on how you can manage adversity and tricky situations that require you to be resilient.
This session will cover:
- Analysis of strengths for individuals and the
- How recognition and use of strengths can
build resilience in one's self and others;
to show/plan how to use them.
- The importance of strengths and what
they are in relation to skills and resilience
in change contexts.
- Work on how to take strengths into tough
situations which require resilience.
5. Understanding influence & control
In times of stress, it is vital to have insight into what you control, influence, and have no control over. Additionally, there are times when we just need to hold a situation until a solution is found. That is when ‘proactive coping’ will help.
This session will cover:
- Looking at what one can control or influence.
- Proactive coping and how this helps.
- Transferring proactive coping from
one situation to another.
6. Promoting team resilience
We know team resilience is vital, but do you know what affects it?
This session will cover:
- The evidence and its application.
- Brainstorming what everyone thinks it is.
- Focusing on what is possible and positive.
7. Generating a positive mindset
Generating a positive mindset is important when you are under pressure.
This session will provide a range of tools, including:
- Reframing a situation.
- Recognising self-talk.
- Breathing and mindfulness.
- Working with a growth mindset.
8. Analysing emotional labour
There is a cost when we care. We know working in the hospice sector requires high levels of emotional labour and that can lead to emotional burnout.
This session will cover:
- Understanding emotional labour.
- Recognising what makes us susceptible
to burnout in terms of personality.
- The courage required to recognise
it in ourselves and others.
9. Trust – a crucial ingredient
Successful teamwork is built on a foundation of trust and each member of the team has a vital part to play to establish team trust, cultivate and nurture it.
This session will cover:
- Why is trust important to an individual and
team resilience?
- How do you build and strengthen it?
10. Being valued and recognised
In the workplace, recognition is very often undervalued and not expressed.
There is robust evidence which illustrates the importance of ‘being valued’ in times of change and uncertainty.
This session will cover:
- The seven forms of recognition,
explain what each form is.
- Work to understand personal preferences.
- Review your team as a whole.
- Think about your team members.
- Invite you to offer recognition to each other.