
On this page you'll find an overview of the key health and care legislation in each of the four UK nations.

This page takes around 7 minutes to read.



To have a voice in your local health and care system, you need to understand how it is governed and what services it is required to provide. This will help you identify:

  • what commissioners are looking for
  • how you can enhance the local offer.

To find out about the policy and guidance for palliative and end of life care in each nation, look at our overview.

To find out how to influence the decision makers in your local health and care system, have a look at our Local influencing resource.

Health and care policy frameworks in the UK


In the UK, the devolved governments for each nation set the legislative framework for the national health services (NHS) and Local Authority social care. Acts of Parliament are implemented via policy, guidance and plans through the departments of health and social care in each nation. 

Across the UK, the funding, planning and provision of healthcare is being further aligned with social care as we move towards more collaborative and integrated models of care.

Health service contracting guidance


Although most health service guidance relates to contracting with NHS Trusts and hospitals, it is useful for hospices to know what the standard contracts are and what the contract uplifts are in any given year. This will help with contract negotiations.


For more information and support, please contact Annette Alcock