Graham Turner, Director of Care and Transformation, Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice, has shared his presentation at the 2023 Clinical Leadership and HR Conference.

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About the speaker


Graham's career commenced in the military providing advanced pre-hospital emergency care. Here he also gained experience within primary healthcare and an extensive array of courses and qualifications over the years.

After leaving the RAF, Graham worked as a Paramedic. Here he become a link Paramedic in palliative care under a pilot project done with McMillan that soon spread across the UK. He later relocated to my home county of Sussex and commenced in a career in palliative care leading the community team for a local hospice.

He then became a Lecturer Practitioner at The Royal Marsden School. Teaching an array of degree modules, short courses, conferences on; palliative care, advanced communication, pain management, advanced physical assessment as well as leadership.

His next role was Head of in-patient services at Martlets Hospice. It was great to get back into hospice palliative care, and even more so for a charity in his home town.

He is currently Director of Care and Service Transformation at Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice, where he supports key developments in the perception and delivery of palliative care, with an impact on local, regional and the national arena alongside the excellent team here.