The recruitment landscape for 2023 presents new challenges, as the pool of potential applicants continues to shrink and job seekers face a barrage of options, leading to uncertainty on how to effectively promote our vacancies.

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About the presentation


In this plenary at the 2023 Clinical Leaders Conference, Paul Nott explored the current job market and discussed effective strategies that hospices can adopt to not only attract top-tier candidates, but also sustain their interest in the organisation and position throughout the hiring process.

The session aimed to remind us all of our recruitment abilities and emphasise that our sector offers an exceptional opportunity to bring in new talent.

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About the speaker


Paul Nott is the owner of Recruit and Retain.

He is a recruitment expert with over 16 years of experience in the non-profit sector. Paul established Recruit and Retain with the aim of improving organisations' talent acquisition and retention systems.

With the job market becoming increasingly competitive, Paul's expertise in coaching HR teams and hiring managers on recruitment methods has proven invaluable. He shares his knowledge on how to optimise staff attraction and foster a love for recruiting at every stage of the process, from search to offer acceptance.

At Recruit and Retain, Paul provides a range of recruitment resources and knowledge to his clients. This allows organisations to reduce their dependence on external recruitment support and capitalise on their unique strengths to draw in and retain exceptional talent affordably.