
The call for papers for 2024 is now closed. Thank you to all who submitted to contribute to our National Conference.

This page has advice on what to include in abstracts for future Call for Papers and how to structure them. You'll also find guidance on next steps, following submission this year.


Conference abstracts: the basics


Thinking of submitting an abstract? Here's what you need to know.

Presentation options


When you submit your abstract, you will be asked to indicate your preferred presentation format - oral presentation or poster. 

The review panel will take this preference into consideration for all accepted abstracts. However, please note that invitations to present may be for a different format than the one requested.

Find out more about each presentation option below.

How abstracts are assessed


The review process is anonymous. Reviewers are not told the names or workplaces of people whose abstracts they review.

Each abstract is independently scored by two reviewers against a set criteria. These scores then inform decisions made at a final abstract decision meeting. This final meeting is held in July. 

View a copy of the scoring sheet used by National Conference reviewers.

Submitting your abstract


Abstracts are submitted online using an online conference portal. When you submit your abstract you agree to the terms and conditions of submission.

The deadline for submissions was midday on 14 May 2024. There will be no extension to the closing date.

What happens next?


After you submit your abstract our team will start to review submissions. We have put together a timeline of dates, so that you always know where we are in the call for papers process.

   Date Stage of call for papers process
20 May - 21 June Abstracts assessed by reviewers
3 - 4 July Selection panel meets
15 -16 July Emails issued to authors informing them if their submission was accepted or declined
1 August Deadline for authors to accept or decline invitations to present their work