Corporate Directory

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This section contains details of companies that advertise and promote their services and products relevant to the hospice sector.
The companies listed in this directory know and have experience of working with hospices, and may offer significant benefits or cost savings.
Interested in being listed? You can sign up via our online form.
This section contains details of companies that advertise and promote their services and/or products relevant to the hospice sector. While all the companies listed in this directory know and have experience of working with hospices, and may offer significant benefits and/or cost savings, none of these companies, nor the services and/or products they offer, are endorsed by Hospice UK. It is for each potential purchaser to make their own assessment of the suitability of the services and/or products according to their own needs, and they do so at their own risk.
To learn more about how HQP selects, monitors and works with its suppliers, please click here
They have a portfolio of bespoke suppliers that have been selected using HQP’s own robust process-led tenders and due diligence, to help to deliver both exclusive pricing and a high standard of service.