
Celebrating innovation in income generation


Has a team in your organisation had an idea that has raised significant income for your hospice or palliative care organisation? 

This Award is your chance to recognise their achievements at Hospice UK’s Fundraising Leaders Conference.

The Innovation in Income Generation Award is designed to celebrate and recognise those who have raised income by doing something different. Innovation isn’t always a “big idea”, it can be incremental changes to the way you do things that result in making a big difference. For this Award, we’re seeking examples that showcase innovation in practice that have raised funds for your organisation.

Showcase your success: whether it's through fundraising initiatives, lotteries, retail endeavours, or social enterprise activities, we welcome entries from all corners of innovative income generation.

Your submission will be carefully reviewed against the criteria outlined below to assess the originality and impact of your innovation. Moreover, we're interested in innovations that have the potential to inspire and benefit other hospice and palliative care organisations.

Join us in celebrating innovation and excellence in income generation.

What the judges are looking for


We are looking for applications that have demonstrated innovative practice in income generation and which have raised significant income to support the work of a hospice or palliative care organisation.

The 2024 award is now closed for entries. The winner will be announced at the Fundraising Leaders Conference in Manchester on 9th July 2024.

Who can enter

Applications can come from a range of projects such as:

  • Fundraising
  • Lotteries
  • Retail
  • Social enterprise activity


Your Entry will be assessed using the following criteria:

How original was the innovation?

  • Was it a new concept or a variation of an existing idea?
  • Was it developed independently or in cooperation with others?

What was the impact of the innovation?

  • How profitable was the project?
  • How far has it created a new long term source of income?
  • How far has it created increased public awareness of hospice and palliative care?


  • Can this innovation be applied to other hospice and palliative care organisations?

General Criteria and Guidance

Read our submission criteria and general guidance before you submit an entry.

Innovation in Income Generation Award 2024: winner announced

2024 winner

Winner: Lindsey Lodge Hospice

Pennies Make Pounds project

This year’s Innovation in Income Generation Award winner is Lindsey Lodge Hospice’s ‘Pennies Make Pounds’ project. The judges were impressed by the “simplicity and significant impact” of this fundraising campaign, “especially considering the ongoing cost of living crisis where people are donating less”.

Read more about the winners
Local Hospice Lottery are a National Conference sponsor

Award sponsor

The Innovation in Income Generation Award 2024 is sponsored by Local Hospice Lottery.

Visit the Local Hospice Lottery website